The view....Alicia Silverstone and Elizabeth?
2007-05-23 09:01:02 UTC
Did you all notice that after Elizabeth and Rosie's fight when Alicia Silverstone came on she went right past Elizabeth and hugged Joy and Rosie, what was that all about? Elizabeth put her hands on her hips like she was pissed.
35 answers:
Mr. Perfect
2007-05-24 07:56:07 UTC
That just goes to show how "high class" and "tolerant" Alicia is...

AS for "Page1344" - In case you fell into a coma during the show... Elisabeth did answer the question.... she clearly stated that she does not think Rosie thinks that American Troops are terrorists... (even though she really does)... you probably couldn't hear it over Rosie fat mouthed comments.... wah wah wah.....
2007-05-24 13:26:50 UTC
Who cares about Elizabeth putting her hands on her hips as if she was pissed. Alicia was keeping it real if she felt like she didn't want to give her a hug for battering her Rosie than who gives.....I am a military wife. My husband deserves the up most respect from Rosie for her being able to sit her butt right there on the show and not be out there fighting in Iraq. My husband has been deployed 3 times to Iraq and while he was there Rosie you was just sitting there eating your little BON BONS and enjoying your relationship with your wife. On the other hand I had to keep my faith that my husband was going to come back home alive. Rosie if you are going to say something about the troops you better be able to back it up because you aren't the one over there and you Hollywood people think you know everything when really you do not know half the story.
Island Girl
2007-05-25 23:59:10 UTC
It shouldn't matter that Alicia Silverstone is on Rosie's side. She was a guest and should have been polite. She should have shaken Elizabeth's hand even if she didn't want to hug her. That was just rude. I didn't see the show. Does anyone know if she ignored Elizabeth during the entire interview?
Courtney S
2007-05-24 12:08:16 UTC
What an idiot. Elizabeth has more smarts and couth than Rosie could possibly ever have. And Alicia was just plain RUDE! WHo snubs a co-host of a nationally televised show. If I were Elizabeth I would have been very disgusted with the whole show. I am not one to agree with Elizabeth's political views 100% and not even close to Rosie's, but for Rosie to pick on Elizabeth all the time, I was so excited to see her fight back. GO ELIZABETH! Shut the woman up for once. Who cares about Alicia, I mean seriously, what shows has she been on since Clueless? The snub was uncalled for!
Mele Kai
2007-05-23 09:24:21 UTC
Years ago as a puppy Alicia Silverstone was a guest on The Rosie O'Donnell Show. She in my opinion went for the familiar cast member after the cat fight. EH was mad at Rosie big time. They have been scrapping all week and it's just Wednesday.

If u have notice the show has been boycotted by numerous celebrities. They used to have high profile and entire cast shows of new released films with big stars. No more. If they do many prefer tape. Some are in support of Rosie and come for her to express their cause. The ABC TV casts are brought over to fill in and promote season finales. Did u hear Rosie, "another cast member from Lost" pout.

Ms. O'Donnell had fantastic guests on her show b4. But she never crossed the line as far into controversy there as she has on someone else's show. I am happy people are discussing politics. Depressed at the personal attacks and lack of a professional debate. Bette Davis "Fasten your seat belts folks" it could be a bummpy couple of weeks.
2007-05-24 13:04:17 UTC
My husband is a soldier and over in Iraq. No one probably would have said much if she had said something about Bush, but you do not attack our troops. My husband chose to be a soldier, but they don't get to pick their wars. They do what they are told. My husband is not a terrorist. Rosie is the coward b/c she couldn't just say what she meant. If that's not what she meant then she needs to learn how to word her statements better. As far as Alicia- who cares? Who made celebrities the know it all of politics? It's easy for them to sit in their big mansions and pass judgement on everyone else. If I was Elizabeth I could care less. I don't always agree with her, but on this I do. It's okay to have different opinions, but the Iraqi's are killing Iraqi's and our soldiers. If you aren't personally involved in the military and going by the media maybe you don't know everything you think you do.
2007-05-24 12:53:25 UTC
I don't care one way or the other about either of them, but it was rude. AS could have offered a half-hearted greeting, at least.

Sometimes I agree with Elizabeth, sometimes with Rosie, often times wish they would both just shut up.

OT, does anyone know where Elizabeth came from before The View?
2007-05-24 14:17:37 UTC
I'm going to choose not to take a side. If you look at the video, you see Elizabeth grab onto Alicia's arms and say, "Sorry." I'm pretty sure Alicia quickly replies, "That's OK", and then goes on to hug everybody else. Obviously something happened behind the scenes that we know nothing about. To accuse Alicia of being a ***** is, I feel, sort of harsh.
Lori B
2007-05-24 16:14:48 UTC
I used to like Alicia Silverstone but she was WAY out of line and rude to Elizabeth. I am sure she doesn't care about 1 fan but she has lost me anyway. How old is she......5?
2016-05-21 03:11:41 UTC
Alicia snubbed Elisabeth after Elisabeth said "I'm sorry" (apologizing for the loud argument before Alicia came on). Alicia said, "it's ok", walked right by her without hugging her or shaking her hand and headed to hug Rosie. That was NOT professional. EH did NOT deserve that.
2007-05-24 13:13:23 UTC
I agree with Kat and Nathan.There is no excuse for Alicia Silverstone's rudeness.She made the matter personal.Not good.As for Rosie, she has been a pain since she met Madonna.Each can discuss the topic and disagree if they want.Its called The View after all.Not "you must agree or I will become a loud obnoxious pouting blowhard' as Rosie does.
Rich M
2007-05-26 08:42:39 UTC
It should be noted that during the rest of the interview, Elizabeth did not cower down and did engage Alicia in conversation without any apparent animosity on either side.
2007-05-25 15:28:36 UTC
There is something called decorum, and Alicia is lacking greatly in it. It is one thing to disagree, it is quite another to show what a jerk you are by snubbing a host of a show you have been invited to be on. Sliverstone, has become quite the nobody, and a coward, just like you buddy Rosie, and anyone who is for PETA well, right there show how absolutely clueless she really is!

2007-05-24 14:25:18 UTC
regardless of if she did it on purpose or not it was rude. even if u disagree with someone, ur in their spot, show some respect. i support the right for everyone to state their views as long as it does not harm anyone else. so go both rosie and elizabeth <--even if i dont agree with u a lot of the times.
Donna M
2007-05-24 16:56:35 UTC
I feel it showed no class or AS to do that. Everyone knows when discussing religion or politics people become very passionate when expressing their view . Opinions are like a--holes everybody has one. I think it is very brave of EH to go against the liberal Hollywood crowd (in their big mansions). They are making all that money and for what entertaining people. Why aren't they complaining about our soldiers not making as much as they do. It is because of our veterans of foreign war that the liberal Rosie has a right to say all her liberal BS..Believe me I am not conservative and not liberal, I am for supporting our soldiers who have the guts to go over there for what they may believe is a good cause. Big mouths like Rosie are not doing much for the morale of our men and women in the armed forces. I could go on and on....and I am not against gay people (I have great friends that are gay) but I do get sick of Rosie's big mouth going on about her lifestyle... I support our Soldiers and love AMERICA!!!!!
2007-05-24 23:09:45 UTC
I am soooooo freaking tired of Elisabeth! She seems like a nice enough person, but like most Republicans, she lives life looking through "rose-colored" glasses. Bush and all the other morons who actually believe that our presence in Iraq is doing some good are the ones that are "CLUELESS!"

I love and support our troops. Those men and women are out there protecting my fat ***. I totally respect them. What I can't, don't and will never respect is the dictator of our country who doesn't listen to a damn thing that "we the people" say. His hill-billy mentality is soooooo 1920's. I'm sick, sick, sick, sick of his CRAP!

After all the stupidities that Elisabeth has been brainwashed to believe, I'm not sure that I would give her more than a friendly nod and go on to embrace people that actually have a freaking brain. Elisabeth is so tunnel-visioned that she can't see anything but Bush's hair-brained schemes and ploys.

As you can tell, I'm not very happy with the state of our present administration. Bush needs to GO! I agree with what Joy Behar said...the people of this country need to be SICK of what's going on!

Karina M
2007-05-24 14:01:30 UTC
I respect our troops fighting, I do, but the war is wrong, let's not kid ourselves, we can't control that area of the world, no one can, not Al-Queda and not us. There will always be turmoil, the only thing that could keep this type of volatile situation in line is a tyrant like Saddam. Now that we have arrested him, it's chaos. We just need to pull out now, worry about our own poor citizens and pump money into science to stear us away from the oil which should be our only interest in that part of the world. Democracy can not be transplanted, it needs to flourish and grow on it's own for it to sustain, it can't be planted by us and expected to fluorish...

That being said, what are the troops going to tell God? I as just doing what i was told to do? I was just killing who my commander told me to kill. No, there are always choices, you may have to face a court marshal or be arrested, but there are always choices. We aren't children anymore, we can't blame others for our actions, i know it's hard to see it as the rest of the world sees it because we are americans, these are our kin, or blood fighting, dying, being killed, but fact remains we are unwelcome and occupying a country that is not ours, and trying to aid people who don't want us there. We are not terrorists in the 9/11 sense of the word, but we are terrorizing a country that had no WMD and played no part in 9/11. We are terrorists, but just because they say we gotta be? Yea right...
2007-05-25 16:47:11 UTC
I commend Alicia Silverstone because it must be a lot easier to just be a phony and hug someone you don't like or agree with, like everyone else on TV.

Apparently, according to the comments here, it's rude to be genuine?
lovin' life...
2007-05-24 14:11:10 UTC
I saw that on You Tube, and I think it was very unprofessional of AS to snub a cohost of a show you are a guest of!! how rude, I don't care if she hates EH, you should atleast be polite and courteous. That was very rude, hopefully she never gets invited back to the show, she's a has been anyway!!
2007-05-25 13:46:28 UTC
everyone whines that Elizabeth is entitled to her opinions-blah blah blah...what about Alicia? Isnt she entitled to have opinions? Nobody knows what happened back stage during commercial or before the show. If Alicia doesnt feel like hugging someone, she shouldnt have to.
Joe L.
2007-05-24 10:35:24 UTC
I did notice, and I was glad that she did. I think it's funny how liberals are always required to "be nice" and "respectful" and yet conservatives can say and do as they please (e.g. Rush Limbaugh's racist song about Obama Barrack). Elizabeth continues to support a war that is causing the death of both Americans and the Iraqi people and I don't particularly think that's nice. But wait, I guess I'm now picking on "poor little innocent christian Elizabeth" too huh? Alicia WAS being nice by ignoring her. I wouldn't have been as nice.
2007-05-25 10:32:57 UTC
Alicia Silverstone is a one-hit wonder with that 1995 chic-flic "Clueless". Unfortunately, that the sort of person she has become in reality -- CLUELESS!!!
2007-05-24 09:56:27 UTC
Since Hollywood is decidely to the left and a young pretty lady such as Elisabeth shares her conserrvative side, then people polluted by Hollywood who lose all of their tact and manners feel it is ok to treat anyone that they disagree with in that fashion.

Alicia should have acknowledged Elisabeth out of courtesy since she was a guest on The View wich is co-hosted by Elisabeth and the crew.

It is funny to see the left and Hollywood tout diversity and tolerance for others unless they disagree with their "View".
2007-05-23 09:29:38 UTC
I believe that Alicia handled that very badly. Elizabeth was just telling Rosie how she felt and then that "clueless" chick does her like that. People never treat Rosie like that and she ticks people off every day. I think Rosie needs to get a life. I can honestly say I get SICK of hearing EVERYDAY on the view about her being GAY! YUCK go tell someone who cares Rosie.
2007-05-25 21:20:15 UTC
AS said that her dog is a vegan. That is just cruel to the natural animals instinct. Therefore, AS is a wack wack.
2007-05-23 09:13:39 UTC
I think Alicia Silverstone was probably scared of crossing Rosie in any which way, so she did that to show her alliance with Rosie or she did that, because she believes that Rosie is right. Anyway, I think that's disrespectful to anyone.
2007-05-23 11:49:50 UTC
I noticed that too, at first I thought I was seeing things but she did hug everyone else but her.
2007-05-24 12:01:39 UTC
rosie is a fat lesbo, and alicia silverstone is probably the biggest wash up i have ever seen.
2007-05-25 16:32:48 UTC
Yes I saw that. I thought that it was wrong because she was a guest on the show. But, it was funny...
Ariel B
2007-05-24 09:30:10 UTC
I know Alicia very well.

Yes, she was showing loyalty to Rosie.

But, she has very firm views on politics, animal rights, etc..

she dislikes EH for her very own reasons and EH knows this.

the Rosie thing just happened right before and made her dislike EH even more if possible.People have a right to like or dislike who they choose. the show is about different points of VIEW correct? polite has nothing to do with it.they flaunt their right to be impolite and say/be what they truly feel. she was acting in kind.Obviously, EH can stand on her own two feet. She knows that she ignites contention. she plays on that for good T.V.
Lyn M
2007-05-24 09:19:24 UTC
I missed it and just saw it on youtube. Elisabeth is a whine bag rah rah Bush puppy. Go Rosie!!! Remember that blind faith in failed leadership is NOT patriotism.

I personally think that Elisabeth may be so UPTIGHT because she secretly regrets marrying the wrong brother...3rd string QB Tim instead of
2007-05-23 15:41:42 UTC
I would have done the same thing. All Elizabeth had to do was answer that one simple question... yes or no. But, she chose to do the political two step instead. Typical conservative.
2007-05-23 09:05:17 UTC
She has no right she ain't no star no more. Whats the last thing u saw her in? Bet your "Clueless"
Tara C
2007-05-23 09:07:21 UTC
I noticed that as well. Go ahead Alicia!
2007-05-23 09:04:23 UTC
Go Ro!!! bu$h will probably give Elizabeth a Purple Heart for this!!!! OMG the best TV i've seen! i hope they win an EMMY for this one

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