I respect our troops fighting, I do, but the war is wrong, let's not kid ourselves, we can't control that area of the world, no one can, not Al-Queda and not us. There will always be turmoil, the only thing that could keep this type of volatile situation in line is a tyrant like Saddam. Now that we have arrested him, it's chaos. We just need to pull out now, worry about our own poor citizens and pump money into science to stear us away from the oil which should be our only interest in that part of the world. Democracy can not be transplanted, it needs to flourish and grow on it's own for it to sustain, it can't be planted by us and expected to fluorish...
That being said, what are the troops going to tell God? I as just doing what i was told to do? I was just killing who my commander told me to kill. No, there are always choices, you may have to face a court marshal or be arrested, but there are always choices. We aren't children anymore, we can't blame others for our actions, i know it's hard to see it as the rest of the world sees it because we are americans, these are our kin, or blood fighting, dying, being killed, but fact remains we are unwelcome and occupying a country that is not ours, and trying to aid people who don't want us there. We are not terrorists in the 9/11 sense of the word, but we are terrorizing a country that had no WMD and played no part in 9/11. We are terrorists, but just because they say we gotta be? Yea right...